Stressless Style

How To Create The One Room You Most Want To Be In

If you don’t have a favorite room, consider this: You deserve one. Have you even thought about it before? Maybe you just assumed that each room in your home would fall into place over time and be defined by its use, but what if you could set one room apart and design it intentionally? What if you could transform an entire room into your singular, special retreat?

You can. Start by visualizing the room. If yours doesn’t exist yet, paint a mental picture. As the details merge in your mind, think about what makes it your favorite. It could be the lighting, the flooring or the furniture. It could be a prized collection of belongings, like a stereo with old records or the world’s most comfortable sofa. It’s not just what’s in the room, though. It’s what happens there.

Precisely What You Need To Do Exactly What You Love

Depending on what you’re passionate about, your favorite room could be a fully functional chef’s kitchen, a tricked-out game room, a quiet crafting corner or a simple, cozy reading loft. Plants, books, artwork, music, the presence of a beloved pet or some combination of these details could help transform an otherwise random space into your favorite in-home escape pod.

Inspire Yourself.

If you’ve never considered creating a favorite room, you might wonder where to begin – but fear not! Take action. Collect photos from magazines. Assemble a wish-book of looks you long for. Bookmark websites for digital inspiration. Collect these inspiring ideas to help you imagine your most comfortable space. Then be bold. Move forward. Create the room you most want to be in.

Light + Sound = Atmosphere. Color + Texture = Comfort.

Ask yourself what sort of atmosphere you’d prefer for your ideal room. How will light and sound impact the vibe? If you’re turning your basement into a home theatre, you’ll need to minimize light sources and maximize sound quality. In contrast, if you’re converting an old bedroom into an art studio, you’ll likely focus on filling the room with natural light. After light and sound, consider colors and textures that make you feel good. Think about how they might influence the furniture you choose and the atmosphere you’re creating.

Brainstorm, and Take Notes. Then Take Action.

Don’t be afraid to use your imagination and act on it. When you brainstorm and consider all the factors that could contribute to the feel of your ideal room and write them all down, you’ve got a blueprint for action. Sometimes the hardest thing to get is going, but once you take that first step toward creating the room you’ve always wanted to be in, you’re already on your way.