
The Incomparable Beauty of the Norwegian Fjords

With their calm, blue waters framed by steep, green slopes, Norwegian fjords resemble mountain lakes but actually consist of seawater from glaciers that have slowly carved their way inland, flooding Norway’s verdant valleys over 2.5 million years. The word fjord is a combination of ancient Viking terms, der man ferder over (where you travel across) … Continue reading The Incomparable Beauty of the Norwegian Fjords


Using Social Media to Revive Old Friendships

By now, we all know how easy it is to use social media to reconnect with long lost friends. All you have to do is type in a name and enter a couple of clicks to reach people that you haven’t communicated with in years. But there are things you should really consider before doing … Continue reading Using Social Media to Revive Old Friendships


Reconnecting With Family

Once we’ve grown up, moved away to begin careers and perhaps even started families of our own, staying in touch with family members can take considerable effort. Old disagreements that may have boiled over into arguments (or even worse) can keep us apart for longer than either party ever intended. Navigating the new normal of … Continue reading Reconnecting With Family